Work in Process

There is a contemporary movement among a number of philosophers, inspired by biology, to pursue a process-oriented metaphysics. These theorists argue that standard approaches are inadequate because they do not capture the essentially dynamic nature of biological systems. Traditional ontologies begin with essentially stable building blocks (a “thing” such as a substance, object, or particle).… Continue reading Work in Process

RQM and Molecular Composition

According to the last post, the constitution of complex natural systems should be understood using a theory of composite causal processes. Composite causal processes are formed from a pattern of discrete causal interactions among a group of smaller sub-processes. When the latter sustains a higher rate of in-group versus out-group interactions, they form a composite.… Continue reading RQM and Molecular Composition

Why I Favor Relational Quantum Mechanics

[Originally published January 28, 2021] I think Relational Quantum Mechanics (RQM), initially proposed by Carlo Rovelli, is the best interpretation of quantum mechanics.1 It is important to note right away, however, that I depart from Rovelli’s thinking in one important respect. He takes an anti-realist view of the wave function (or quantum state). As I will… Continue reading Why I Favor Relational Quantum Mechanics