Compare two possible charitable donations. My family and I have greatly enjoyed the productions at a local theatre company. If I support it with a donation, this will help sustain its role in enhancing the quality of life in the community. Alternatively: if I donate to an organization that distributes anti-malarial nets to targeted groups of people in lower-income countries, I can be highly confident of helping to save lives. Putting these options up against each other in this way, it seems hard to justify the first option. Does this mean all my donations must go toward the most highly impactful charities, even if this means only directing money to distant beneficiaries?

One way to respond to the dilemma: do both! In previous posts I have discussed the merits of finding and supporting effective charities that address important global causes. But my wife and I have also given to (among other things) a theatre group, a museum, the local library, an animal shelter (where we had adopted our dog), and a college academic initiative (at my alma mater).
Here’s how I have been thinking about this. If one has the means to give money to charity, it is important to try to identify the most effective targets for support, regardless of whether we have any personal connection to the beneficiaries. This approach does guide the largest part of our giving, and because this way of thinking is still rare in the world of philanthropy, it continues to need advocacy. On the other hand, we are all social beings, embedded in communities. And supporting local causes, through donations or volunteering, is naturally among the personal projects that we pursue to make life more meaningful.
So, while I will continue to make the case for the highest impact charities, it is with an understanding that, for many of us, “do both!” may be the answer to the global vs. local question.
Recommended Charities for Selected Global Causes
Global Health and Wellbeing
GiveWell is the premier charity evaluator. From their home page you can view their top charities and donate to GiveWell-run funds that support these organizations (Top Charities Fund) and have the flexibility to fund other promising interventions (All Grants Fund). Of course, if you value their work, you can also make an unrestricted gift to GiveWell itself.
We also donate to GiveDirectly. They are pioneering the use of direct cash programs to alleviate poverty. There is a growing body of research that supports the effectiveness of this approach.
We also support several other international organizations that provide some of the necessary infrastructure to help people in our extremely imperfect world. These include CARE, Doctors Without Borders, and the International Rescue Committee.
Giving Green is doing outstanding work in identifying climate non-profits that have the greatest potential impact. See their list of top recommendations, donate to the Giving Green Fund, or make a gift to support their ongoing research.
Animal Welfare
Here we focus on the organizations identified by Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE), which can be supported through ACE’s Recommended Charity Fund.
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